January 16, 2020

"Where Will We Live" featured in NALHFA's Affordable Housing Podcast

Last month, Where Will We Live (WWWL) collaborated with the National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies (NALHFA) on the latest episode of their Affordable Housing Podcast. This podcast series highlights new and innovative affordable housing finance solutions by bringing together the nation's leading housing finance experts, thought leaders and decision-makers.  

In the 17th episode of this series, Katelynn Harris speaks with TaĆ­ Coates, Campaign Media Organizer, and Moha Thakur, Public Engagement and Policy Associate, from the National Housing Trust about the Where Will We Live? campaign. Their conversation includes everything you need to know about the campaign, including why it started, what they hope to accomplish, and where you can find campaign resources.

Click here to listen to the podcast, and share these stories with friends, partners and colleagues. You can also access the complete story gallery at wherewillwelive.org and follow us on Twitter at @NatlHsingTrust.

For more information on our resident story gallery, contact NHT Campaign Media Organizer, Tai Coates.