
Elizabeth Chant
Good Trouble, LLC
Elizabeth Chant is an Independent Consultant at Good Trouble, LLC, with more than two decades of experience in low-income sustainable energy policy and programming. She was at Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) from 2010 through 2018, most recently as a Principal Consultant. Major projects included leading the successful proposal development for VEIC’s DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DC SEU) in 2010 and again when the work was rebid in 2016. She was part of the team that launched the DC SEU in 2011, when she served as the first Low-Income Multifamily Program Manager. She also led the development of its most recent five-year strategic plan and multiple annual plans. Elizabeth served for eight years as Weatherization Director at Champlain Valley Weatherization, Vermont’s largest provider of low-income weatherization services.