March 26, 2019

Ellen Lurie Hoffman Makes the Case for Affordable Housing

In case you missed it, NHT’s Federal Policy Director, Ellen Lurie Hoffman, provided incredibly compelling testimony on Capitol Hill to the T-HUD House Subcommittee earlier this month, outlining the importance of affordable housing across the nation.

Uplifting the voices of our low-income residents, Ellen’s testimony included stories from families who were interviewed as part of NHT’s Where Will We Live campaign, in addition to fact-based evidence surrounding the impact of affordable housing.

Her testimony was very well received, with Chairman Price thanking her for articulating a “…very persuasive case for preservation strategy.”

Ellen was joined by Scott Farmer, Executive Director of the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, and Anthony Scott, CEO of the Durham Housing Authority. You can view a video of the hearing, including Ellen’s testimony, here. To download and read Ellen’s written testimony, click here.