August 10, 2020

Energy Efficiency for All Coalitions in New York and North Carolina Help Score Big Gains for Affordable Housing

Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) unites people from diverse sectors and backgrounds to collectively make multifamily housing energy and water-efficient so that all renters live in homes that are affordable and healthy.

Energy Efficiency for All Applauds NY Governor Cuomo's Announcement of New Clean Energy Investments in Affordable Multifamily Housing

On July 27th, NY Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced a nation-leading initiative between the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the state's investor-owned utilities for a new framework to increase access to energy efficiency and clean energy solutions for low-to-moderate income households and affordable multifamily buildings. The Energy Efficiency for All New York (EEFA NY) coalition is pleased to see that Governor Cuomo’s announcement of funding for low and moderate-income energy efficiency programs includes several hundred million dollars in additional funds than previously authorized. In particular, EEFA NY applauds the well over $100 million increase in funds committed to existing affordable multifamily buildings.

In addition, NY Green Bank has been working collaboratively with Community Development Financial Institutions, housing agencies, affordable housing developers and operators, and other groups, and will launch a new initiative this fall aimed at making investments of at least $150 million to expand clean energy and energy efficiency solutions that benefit New York's affordable multifamily housing market. Financing will be directed toward new construction and preservation of the state's multifamily affordable housing market to spur greater energy performance. In doing so, NY Green Bank will be able to demonstrate to traditional lenders and financial institutions that greener affordable housing projects can be successfully financed and adopted by the market.

EEFA NY is pleased to see the New York Green Bank’s commitment to funding for affordable housing and looks forward to continued work with the NY Green Bank on how to prioritize retrofits in existing affordable multifamily housing since such support is critical to ensure that New York’s aging building stock can meet the demands of our fossil-free future.


Link: EEFA NY's statement on the Governor's announcement.


Good News, North Carolina: $6 Million for Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) project partners in North Carolina helped secure a settlement with Duke Energy in the pending rate cases that includes a contribution of $3 million in each of the next two years (total $6) to the state’s Helping Home Fund. This important program delivers a suite of energy efficiency improvements and critical health and safety repairs, including heating and cooling upgrades and appliance replacement.

The Helping Home Fund is administered by the North Carolina Community Action Association and provides crucial funding for its member agencies that provide weatherization assistance to low-income households. This money will allow North Carolina to make the kind of progress it needs to remain a leader among its Southern neighbors when it comes to providing opportunities for the benefits of energy efficiency to all. This assistance will be a vital lifeline for some of North Carolina’s most vulnerable families, lowering their utility bills, making their homes more comfortable, and improving their air quality.

This investment represents another step-in bringing energy efficiency to all North Carolinians. As low-income North Carolinians face down the Coronavirus pandemic and its attendant recession, this money will provide much-needed savings on energy bills. 


Link: NRDC