May 21, 2017

Forget Trump’s Budget. We’re for the People’s Budget

While it may seem like déjà vu, Congress is about to be embroiled in budget issues again. As we await the release of President Trump’s full FY 2018 budget this week, we know one thing for certain: The President's "skinny budget" would hurt many of the low-income and working class people and communities that he promised to help during the election and it’s not likely the full budget will be any different.

While our economy is rebounding from the Great Recession, hardworking Americans are being left behind. A serious alternative that protects our communities and our planet has never been more urgent. The People’s Budget: A Roadmap for the Resistance by the 2018 Congressional Progressive Caucus, is that alternative.

The People’s Budget provides major reinvestments in our country through infrastructure, education, and wage growth to increase opportunity for all. The People’s Budget is a down payment on a brighter future for all Americans, ensuring every family struggling to make ends meet has a fair shot at the American Dream.

President Trump proposes to eliminate vital funding for affordable housing programs and grants, including, but not limited to:

The People’s Budget recognizes the critical need for and benefits of federal housing assistance and addresses this head on through proper infrastructure policy and full funding for affordable housing programs.

The National Housing Trust fully supports the People’s Budget and encourages all our partners and friends to join this effort to stop Trump’s budget proposal in its tracks and prevent devastating cuts to housing assistance.