May 22, 2019

Join our Digital Series, More than a Home, for the 2019 Housing Week of Action

The third annual Our Homes, Our Voices Housing Week of Action to raise awareness about the importance of affordable housing will take place May 30-June 5, 2019. The National Housing Trust is celebrating the 2019 Week of Action with an email series: More than a Home.

More than a Home explores how access to affordable housing provides more than just shelter to low-income families. Affordable housing is a platform for residents to access opportunities, including better education, accessible health care, jobs, and supportive services. This digital series will highlight those connections, with a spotlight on the personal stories of residents of affordable housing. Themed days are as follows:

Thursday, May 30th – Housing and Health

Friday, May 31 – Housing and Education

Monday, June 3 – Housing and Sustainability

Tuesday, June 4 – Housing and Seniors

Wednesday, June 5 – Housing and Opportunity

Please join us in the More than a Home series and raise awareness about the importance of affordable housing by scheduling tweets (we have pre-drafted tweets for you to use!) and including or linking to our blogs in your emails or newsletter. You can find all the materials, pre-drafted posts, video links and blogs in our More than a Home Engagement Guide here.

If you have any questions or for more information, please contact NHT Communications and Fundraising Manager, Halley Henry.