July 24, 2017

NHT Residents Rally to Save HUD 202 Senior Funding

Watch the rally video here!

On Tuesday, June 27, 30 NHT residents of Mountainview Tower in Cumberland, MD traveled to Washington, D.C. and participated in the “Save HUD 202” rally on Capitol Hill. Save HUD 202 is a campaign to protect the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 202 program. The campaign is a comprehensive, multi-month effort to convince lawmakers to fully fund affordable housing for seniors.

A large and rapidly expanding population of low-income older adults faces the dual challenges of finding affordable, safe housing that can accommodate changing needs as they grow older. The Section 202 program provides funding for housing with services so this population can age in place longer and with positive health repercussions. These cuts reduce the availability of affordable housing for vulnerable, older adults.

The Save HUD 202 rally allowed senior residents of Section 202 properties to voice their opposition to cuts in this important housing resource. Speakers at the rally included Patricia Davis, a Washington, D.C. 202 resident, Representative Al Green (D-TX), House HUD Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member David Price (D-NC), Senate Banking’s Housing, Transportation and Community Development Subcommittee Ranking Member Robert Menendez (D-NJ), House Financial Services Ranking Member Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Senate Special Committee on Aging Ranking Member Robert Casey (D-PA).