July 17, 2018

RAD Implementation Notices Expand Tools

On July 2, HUD published two Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) notices that expand the tools participants have to preserve and recapitalize properties, while continuing to ensure the equitable treatment of residents. 

The first notice, Rental Assistance Demonstration: Implementation of Certain Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Appropriations Act Provisions (FR-6105-N-01), codifies certain changes to RAD authorized in the FY2018 Appropriations Act, including providing authority for an increased number of public housing units – now a total of 455,000 to convert through RAD.  The notice also facilitates the final conversion of the remaining properties assisted under the Rent Supplement and Rental Assistance Payment programs and introduces a critical resident safeguard for all RAD Second Component conversions. HUD has provided a summary of this notice.

The second notice, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) – Supplemental Guidance (PIH-2018-11, H-2018-05) introduces five new innovations that will make the conversion of public housing properties under RAD simpler, without any new cost to HUD, owners, or occupants.  This HUD Housing Notice, and corresponding Federal Register notice, revises certain portions of the RAD Implementation Notice (H 2017-03/PIH 2012-32 REV-3). HUD has provided a summary of this notice as well.

For more information, please contact NHT’s Federal Policy Director, Ellen Lurie Hoffman.