June 24, 2019

Where Will We Live Featured Podcast

Last month, Where Will We Live (WWWL) collaborated with the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) campaign to launch a podcast featuring resident stories from across the country that were captured as part of WWWL.

The WWWL episode is the seventeenth of OSAH’s podcast series. A summary of the podcast is below:

Truly understanding all the dimensions of the nation's housing affordability crisis requires listening to those with lived experience – people who have experienced homelessness and housing instability. In this episode, we look at issues of affordable housing through the stories of seven people across the country who have been directly impacted.

Click here to listen to the podcast and share these stories with friends, partners and colleagues.  You can also access the complete story gallery at wherewillwelive.org and follow us on Twitter at @NatlHsingTrust.

For more information on our resident story gallery, contact NHT Campaign Media Organizer, Tai Coates.