Positioning Affordable Housing as Part of the System Solution
By Michael Bodaken, President
Throughout the past weeks there have been numerous marches, acts of civil engagement and rallies for political topics that cover a spectrum of issues. While I am thrilled to see Americans taking a stand, I want to make sure that residents of affordable housing are protected from draconian cuts to project-based Section 8 or vouchers, or the elimination of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. But our issues are part of a much larger context. We are approaching a time of national debate on how affordable housing and other safety net supports are delivered to poor Americans. As the discussion matures, it's essential for "housers" to work with our colleagues who deliver essential education, health and other services to those in poverty.
The possibilities for collaborative civic partnership are abundant. We can and should make the connection between affordable housing and fundamental American values. Jobs, education, health care, equality, safety, veterans, climate change: affordable housing helps to address each of these issues. Affordable housing not only provides clean and healthy homes to low income families who may otherwise be homeless; stable housing also leads to better school outcomes for kids. And affordable housing is frequently located near vital public transportation necessary to access jobs. Finally, most housing owners offer vital resident services programs for residents, such as financial literacy courses, tutoring programs, and healthy living and technology classes.
Navigating today's volatile and uncertain political landscape is a tough fight. Affordable housing advocates need to identify opportunities to collaborate with childhood education, health care, veteran and climate change advocates. A healthy and successful America starts with a healthy, safe and stable home where families have the opportunity to thrive.
Stay Tuned.