Preservation Working Group

The Preservation Working Group (PWG) serves as a trusted and unified voice of housing organizations and is known for advancing practical, actionable solutions.  Members of PWG come together under NHT’s leadership to advance solutions that tackle significant challenges through advocacy around resources and legislation that can support the preservation of affordable housing. 


What We Do

PWG seeks to address threats to our nation’s affordable housing stock – including expiring rental assistance, conversion to market rate use, deteriorating physical and financial conditions, increasing climate risk, and inequitable housing policies – and advance solutions to protect these homes and the people who live in them. In doing so, we seek to ensure that this housing remains safe, affordable, and accessible to low-income households into the future. We advocate for strong federal, state, and local program administration and increased resources, identify and disseminate best practices, and share information that protects, enhances, and preserves existing multifamily affordable rental homes to create agency for residents.

Who We Are

PWG is comprised of housing owners, developers, advocates, tenant associations, state and local housing agencies, and others dedicated to the preservation of multifamily housing for low-income households. Members are expected to participate in virtual monthly meetings, participate in and/or co-lead focus groups that PWG identifies as being necessary to advance shared goals, and share information and opportunities for impact with members. As appropriate, PWG members will be asked to utilize their organization’s channels to help promote PWG news and activity.

NHT's Role

NHT acts as the secretariat for the national Preservation Working Group (PWG), in which we convene a diversity of advocacy organizations, housing owners, developers, tenant associations, and state and local housing agencies dedicated to the preservation of multifamily housing for low-income families. 

PWG's Recent Advocacy

September 2024: Qualified Contract Loophole in the Housing Credit Program
Comments submitted by PWG in support of HUD’s housing notice requiring developers seeking a new Housing Credit allocation to waive their QC option on those properties as a condition of accessing FHA Multifamily loan insurance programs and Risk Share transactions.

July 2024: PWG HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Program Updates & Streamlining
PWG submitted comments in response to HUD’s proposed HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME): Program Updates and Streamlining rule. 

April 2024: PWG Statement on President’s FY25 Budget Request 
Statement in response to the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request highlighting the critical role preservation plays in meeting our country’s need for more affordable housing. 

August 2023: PWG Comments on NCSHA Recommended Practices
Comments in response to proposed updates to the Recommended Practices in Housing Credit Administration. PWG submitted these comments to strengthen the existing Recommended Practices.

April 2023: PWG Comments to HUD on Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance ANPR
A response to HUD's Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Standard Program Regulation and Renewal Contracts for Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance.

January 2023: Preservation Working Group Recommendations for HUD
PWG gave these recommendations to HUD to provide no-cost measures to preserve existing affordable housing. 

October 2022: Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Comments and Recommendations
Submitted in support of HUD's Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP). 


ACTION-Housing, Inc.
B’nai B’rith International
Brandon M. Weiss (Professor of Law at American University Washington College of Law)
California Housing Partnership
Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO)
Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC)
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA)
CSI Support & Development Services
Enterprise Community Partners
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
Get RD Done Right!
Hessel Aluise & O’Leary PC
Housing Assistance Council
Housing Partnership Network (HPN)
Klein Hornig LLP

Lincoln Avenue Capital
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF)
Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants
Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP)
National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA)
National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
National NeighborWorks Association
Network for Oregon Affordable Housing (NOAH)
New York State Homes and Community Renewal
Novogradac & Company LLP
Piedmont Housing Alliance
Preservation Compact / CIC
Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH)
Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF)
Telesis Corporation


For more information, please contact Laura Abernathy at