April 07, 2017

Clean Power for All Policy Innovation Center Launches

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 's Clean Power Plan (CPP) provides the first ever national protections against carbon pollution from existing power plants. The CPP presents a historic opportunity for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy in affordable housing and low-income communities.

The CPP requires each state to reduce carbon emissions by an amount prescribed by the EPA. States can choose from a variety of strategies to meet their emissions reduction requirement, including energy efficiency and renewable energy. But there is a lot work all of us must to do to bring the benefits of the Clean Power Plan-environmental, economic, and health benefits-to the most vulnerable residents and communities.

With this goal in mind, the National Housing Trust has worked with a diverse coalition of environmental, affordable housing, and economic justice organizations to launch the Clean Power Plan for All Policy Innovation Center to provide an effective starting point for developing equitable state implementation plans.

The Clean Power for All Policy Innovation Center  released a toolkit series to provide background on critical issues, share ideas and policy options for states to address the effects of climate change, while creating good quality jobs, reducing costs for low-income families, and improving health through smart program design.

To view the first edition of the toolkits, visit thecleanpowerplan.com

The Clean Power For All Policy Innovation Center is convened by Green For All and includes Center for Community Change, Clean Energy Works. National Housing Trust, Partnership for Working Families, People's Action Institute, Sierra Club, State Innovation Exchange, Union of Concerned Scientists, and the U.S. Climate Action Network.