October 23, 2017

National Energy Efficiency Day Sheds Light on Sustainability

Efficiency investments in any type of rental housing means energy savings, lower energy bills, more stable rental payments, reduced pollution, and a better quality of life for residents. In multifamily rental housing, the cost of utilities is the largest controllable operating expense. Large utility bills make it difficult for owners to sustain affordable rental housing for low-income families. Low-income families can spend 20 percent or more of their income on energy. Yet efficiency measures are less likely to be taken in multifamily rentals than in any other type of housing.

That’s why, for the second year in a row, Energy Efficiency for All Collaborative and the National Housing Trust joined 1,250 other organizations, companies and government agencies in National Energy Efficiency day to promote energy efficiency through social media messaging and other content.

Energy Efficiency and the U.S. Economy

An energy-efficient economy is free to thrive and innovate. Electricity use was 5 percent lower in 2016 than in 2010, while the U.S. economy grew by almost 13 percent over those years, demonstrating that efficiency and economic growth go hand-in-hand. Not only is energy efficiency the cheapest, quickest way to meet our Nation’s energy needs, cut consumer bills and reduce pollution, but energy efficiency is also an economic engine, supporting 2.2 million jobs nationwide in manufacturing, construction and other fields.

Energy Efficiency Day 2017 showed the various ways individuals, property owners, renters and homeowners alike can save energy and money with energy efficiency. In addition to the National Housing Trust, hundreds of organizations signed on as Official Supporters and more than 30 proclamations were issued by cities, counties and states coast-to-coast, including the U.S. Senate.

#EEDay2017 trended on Twitter in numerous markets, including in the competitive and saturated Washington, D.C. metro area, reaching 12.3 million people. To celebrate the occasion, various NHT staff wrote Energy Efficiency Haikus, which are included below. You can see all #EEDay2017 highlights here.

For more information on NHT’s sustainability and energy efficiency efforts, please contact NHT Housing and Energy Efficiency Director Todd Nedwick.