April 07, 2017

No Red States, No Blue States: Solutions for All Americans

By Michael Bodaken, President

It's been a week since the U.S. election. 

Uncertainty is always unsettling.  It will be a while before we fully understand the ramifications of the November results. However, we certainly know this: that our affordable housing and community development engagement-together with our partners in the field-has never been more essential.

While challenges undoubtedly lie ahead, there may well be opportunities. NHT is committed to working with the new administration to demonstrate how affordable housing and energy efficiency enjoy strong bipartisan support precisely because community development leads to local opportunity and economic growth. Affordable housing is the lynchpin of community stability and we will redouble our effort to make sure those who feel left out realize the benefits of our work. 

So what is certain? For starters, this election reminds us of the criticality of state and local involvement. For years, NHT has grounded its policy engagement in our work with state housing finance agencies, local fair housing advocates and grassroots environmental organizations. Our aim:  to secure a future for the preservation and improvement of affordable housing that millions of Americans call home. And states and localities have answered the bell. Local policy has never been more important--ballot measures approved in North Carolina, Maryland, Oregon and California will produce over $1 billion in new funding for multifamily housing development and preservation. 

In the coming months, watch this space as NHT fights for equitable opportunity housing and energy practices that cut crushing housing and energy costs for low income seniors and families. These are not blue-state or red-state solutions--they are American solutions.  As we approach Thanksgiving, we are grateful for our committed staff, Board, colleagues and partners across the United States. 

Stay tuned.