February 26, 2018

NHT Energy Efficiency for All Posts New Funding and Resilience Wins

The Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) team has been wildly successful over the past few months. Take a look at these exciting updates:


Affordable housing owners and residents continue to reap the benefits of energy efficiency thanks to the Maryland Public Service Commission’s decision to extend Maryland’s Multifamily Energy Efficiency and Housing Affordability (MEEHA) program for the next three years. The MD EEFA coalition fought hard for the continuation of MEEHA as well as for program modifications to reduce barriers to participation. Notably, the PSC eliminated the requirement that building owners pay the cost of an energy audit upfront. This requirement discouraged many building owners from applying for energy efficiency incentives. 

For more information about EEFA activity in Maryland, contact NHT Public Policy Associate Raisa Johnson.


The Michigan EEFA network won a major victory for Michigan low-income renters this month. After months of negotiations, EEFA partners and Consumers Energy reached an agreement for Consumers to increase its low-income multifamily energy efficiency program budget to $24.6 million over four years, nearly 4 times the proposed budget of $5.2 million.

Also, community residents are celebrating a victory for clean air as Consumers cancelled its plan to expand its natural gas power plant in South Dearborn, a community with a high population of low-income residents. Following the lead of our local partners, including the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition and the Great Lakes Environmental Law Center, we submitted comments urging the Department of Environmental Quality to deny a proposed permit to install/expand a methane gas plant that would adversely impact this low-income community. 

For more information about EEFA activity in Michigan, please contact NHT Energy Efficiency Advisor Annika Brink.


In Missouri, EEFA partners reached a settlement agreement with the state's largest natural gas utility, Spire, for an energy efficiency budget increase of 30%, as well as a pledge to include affordable multifamily stakeholders and allies in its ongoing stakeholder collaborative. 

For more information about EEFA activity in Missouri, please contact NHT Energy Efficiency Advisor Annika Brink.