Policy Innovation

We Work To

  • orange line icon of apartment building

    Protect and Expand the Supply of Affordable Housing

    We prevent displacement, foster wealth-building among residents, and support new construction.

  • orange line icon of hand holding scales of justice

    Modernize Affordable Housing Finance

    We create a balanced system that preserves existing affordable housing.

  • orange line drawing of a leaf with a circular arrow pointing down on the left and a circular arrow pointing up on the right

    Advance Equitable Climate Benefits

    We enable all people to enjoy the health, economic, and environmental advantages of resilient and sustainable homes.

We work with colleagues in development, lending, and resident services to bring a comprehensive, resident-led, solutions-oriented lens to the challenges facing affordable housing and the people it serves. Our policy-informed solutions support communities throughout the DC area and across the country through grant-funded efforts as well as fee-for-service work. We also advise state and federal agencies on how to design and implement programs and we work with our colleagues on applying our insights, research and best practices to deliver the most sustainable and community-building outcomes for people and the planet.

How We Do it

Identifying Obstacles

We identify obstacles that stand in the way of progress and promote solutions to creating resilient and sustainable affordable communities.

Building Partnerships

We build meaningful partnerships both within and outside the housing industry to harness diverse cross-sector expertise.

  • Preservation Working Group

    NHT convenes a diverse group of policy makers and stakeholders dedicated to the preservation of multifamily housing for low-income families

Promoting People-Centered Solutions

Our solutions are rooted in the real-life experiences of affordable housing residents, providers, and communities.

  • Preventing Displacement

    NHT works to prevent displacement when new investment threatens the stability of existing affordable housing

Advancing Evidence-Based Policy

We promote evidence-based solutions with policymakers, lenders, developers, affordable housing practitioners, and residents.

Solutions at Scale

Working on affordable housing policy at the local, state, or federal level? We can help.

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